Saturday, October 22, 2016

Maya Journey: The Good Fight

I am sitting at the computer staring at a keyboard and I am not seeing any words.

Maya's earthly journey is coming to a close.

Probably 20 times in the past 3 and a half months I have seen that look in the doctors' or nurses' eyes, that "it's happening" look.  It is a look that turns your stomach and makes you realize you had almost forgotten it could happen.  Well up until now that look was never right and I stopped paying attention to it, and I tried very hard to stay in the moment. I was reminded that all any of us really have is today and so lets make today pretty great.

So I went last weekend on a trip to see my great uncle Martin for his 97th birthday, which turned into his funeral.  We were teasing how the thought of all my siblings and I going to visit him was just too much:)  Since my uncle Martin was the last of his generation it kind of felt like we were losing all of them again and so it was pretty poignant.  I sat at the table with my siblings and I cried talking about what it will be like to see everyone again and to all be together.  Its one thing to think that is nice and another to really believe it and picture how amazing it will be to all be together again.  I even cried thinking about how Maya would join them sooner than I would like.

I returned home and Maya's decline began.  I cannot begin to express how intensely we are all feeling every emotion.

We just love her so much and it has been an honor and a sacred privilege to have her in our family and with us even for this short time.  Soon she will be free from her little body and return home having fought the good fight.  Certainly she can do so saying:

"I have fought a good fight
I have finished my course
I have kept the faith"

More later. Love to you all.


  1. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  2. Oh, Gil. My heart is with you and breaks with you. My family is with you in prayer and we send so much love.

  3. Love you so much!! You have fought a good fight too, what a sacred privilege as Maya's Momma!!!

  4. Love you so much!! You have fought a good fight too, what a sacred privilege as Maya's Momma!!!

  5. Sweet friend...there are no words. I love you.

  6. We will continue to send our heartfelt prayers your family's way. What an amazing journey you are traveling.

  7. We will continue to send our heartfelt prayers your family's way. What an amazing journey you are traveling.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.

  9. I add my prayers for you and your family also. So good to know she will be with other loved ones, but still breaks our hearts when they leave us. What a hard journey you have been going through. Love you sweet lady, Diane Iverson
