Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Year Anniversary!

We decided to relive this picture from our wedding day!  Five years later with two boys and likely another on the way!

Monday, February 25, 2013


8 Hrs of IPAD

Floor Buffet
Fast Food Fest

Nap Time

What do these pictures have in common?!?
Let us tell you...but first...a story.

We have actually gotten into a really good habit of having family home evening each week...this is a miracle in itself.  I found a fantastic website that has FHE lesson plans for toddlers that has worked really well for us:
( )
Often the lesson is literally 5 minutes or less with some sort of object lesson activity.  Some of my favorites are "Mommy Says" (An obey your parents version of Simon Says) and "Holy Ghost Hide and Seek" which George refers to as "that ghost game":)  This one was fun.  We hid a snow globe while George was out of the room and when he came back in I whispered directions to him on where to go to find it.  We played it again but this time Nate and Ollie were making lots of noise which made it difficult for George to hear the whispers of the "Holy Ghost" then we explained the nature of the spirit.
Along with the lesson we teach George a new primary song.  George loves to sing and is desperate to sing along in church.  
This week we practiced the song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" and of course all these songs make me cry but who here is surprised...oh no one.

1. Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by our lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heav'nly Father created for me.

2. He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:
I thank him rev'rently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part.
Yes, I know Heav'nly Father loves me.

Words and music: Clara W. McMaster, 1904-1997. © 1961 IRI. Arr. © 1989 IRI

We also watched the Mormon Message "Create"

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."

And then we shared with George our family surprise!

Below is a link to a video that feels like it is super long but worth it!

So now the pictures make sense...Ollie being neglected and eating cheerios off the floor at his favorite buffet spot, don't worry this only happens 2 or 3 times a day, Nate coming home with various fast food, also only happens 2 or 3 times a day, George playing the IPAD for hours, and me napping several times a day (mostly because I lose consciousness if I sit still).  We were going to try and wait until graduation to tell our family (that was a pretty unrealistic goal for us) but I started getting really sick and thought it would be a hard secret to keep...obviously.  We are so excited that between our two families there will be 5 babies born within a 9 months of each other!

March 15th marks our five year anniversary and as we look back on our short time together we can count 4 apartments, 4 cars, many callings, 2 Master's degrees, 2 crazy boys, many arguments and misunderstandings, many makeups, a zillion games of tag, peek-a-boo, angry birds and cars, endless amounts of diapers and searches for pacifiers, blood, sweat, laughter, tears, and now vomit (again) name a few.  Truly our life is hilarious, messy and loud and has long surpassed my wildest dreams.  Nate I adore you and I am so thankful we are having this adventure together!  Here's to the many more that lay before us.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And the winners of the Smith Iron Chef "Major Award" is . . .


JOEL and Devon for their Cuban pork, Black Beans, Rice and Chocolate Souffles!!!!!

Here's the link to our results!! See ALL WINNERS on the right side of the excel sheet!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

End of Fall Semester and Christmas

The fall semester of ended. Fortunately I did pretty well on all my finals and one day later we were in the van with Ryan Smithhart driving to Clovis.

We thoroughly enjoyed Christmas. It was a lot of fun. Since there were so many fun and memorable things, I'll put bullets for my favorite things:

  • Seeing mom's piano students' Christmas recital at the church
  • Visiting San Fran
    • Seeing the huge fish take at a store in fisherman's wharf
    • Walking around in rain gear
    • Getting to know Erik better
    • Eating crab cakes, Ghirardelli ice cream, and sourdough chowder bowl
    • Walking Pier 39 and seeing Alcatraz from the end of the pier
    • Driving down one of the curviest roads in the U.S., Lombard Street
  • Hanging out and talking in the hotel in South San Francisco
  • Last minute shopping 
  • Opening presents Christmas morning
  • Driving "Candy Cane Lane" and the Stout's neighborhood
  • Having dinner with Spencer and his fiancee' as well as David and Leah
  • Watching Les Misérables with the family and the Smithharts
  • Watching True Grit and other movies with the family
  • Flying helicopters (thanks Joel!)
  • Jumping in the icy pool
  • Jumping in the hot tub (thanks Dad!)
  • Seeing the star on the house
  • Caroling with the family
  • "Smith Family Iron Chef" - authentic Cuban food, homemade chicken tortilla soup, homemade pizza, tri-tip nachos, etc. 
  • Playing Hearts, even though admittedly Robin beat me twice - I'm still planning my revenge
  • Remembering the Top 10 in 2012
  • Celebrating Oliver's Birthday
George playing with "Angry Birds" present back in Provo

Gill making Bittner Sundaes

Oliver enjoying his 1st birthday

Homemade Pizza

Tepan Yucky

Clam Chowder bowls at Boudin


San Fran with the Bay Bridge in the distance

George was really interested in the Christmas recital

Ollie hanging out with Grandpa at the Christmas recital